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TBX presentations from Sękocin semminar

List of presentation in sessions:

Welcome address -  Prof. dr hab. Tomasz Zawiła-Niedźwiecki, Director of Forestry Research Institute in Sękocin Stary.

Sessions 1 - "Usefulness of the genetic field experiments for biological sciences"  

1st invited presentation: Usefulness of the genetic field experiments for biological sciences - Jacek Oleksyn
Voluntary paper
The role of common garden studies in adapting forests to climate change in the Northwestern U.S. - Daniel Chmura
Population variability of Fagus sylvatica leaves: a preliminary study- Marzenna Guzicka

Sessions 2 -  "What do genetic field trials tell about the future use of forest reproductive material?" 

2nd invited presentation: What do genetic field trials tell about the future use of forest reproductive material? - Csaba Matyas
Voluntary papers 
Genetic reactivity of Norway spruce to climate change based on experimental results from IPTNS-IUFRO 1964/68 test in Poland. - Janusz Sabor
Short review of the tree improvement work with birch and alder in Ireland – Ellen O'Connor
International trials concerning forest species in Italy – Anna De Rogatis 

Sessions 3 - "Provenance experiment networks as a tool for biochemical and molecular genetics of forest trees"

3rd invited presentation: Provenance experiment networks as a tool for biochemical and molecular genetics of forest trees. Berthold Heinze
Voluntary papers
Characteristics of genetic diversity and differentiation of progeny and mother stands of European Beech in Poland - Małgorzata Sułkowska
Microsatellites and genetic diversity in seed orchard and provenance test - Magdalena Trojankiewicz
Efficiency of tree breeding strategies in Europe. Report from the Questionnaire “Testing strategies in tree breeding” - Darius Danusevicius

Sessions 4 - "Impact of the results of large genetic field experimental networks to practical forestry supporting industry"

4th invited presentation: Impact of the results of large genetic field experimental networks to practical forestry supporting industry. Dag Lindgren
Voluntary papers 
Climate-growth-relations of Fagus sylvatica provenances of the International Beech Provenances Experiment of 1993/95 growing in Central Europe - Mirko Liesebach
Euro-Asiatic transcontinental provenance experiment on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) – Władysław Chałupka
Larix decidua polonica in Western Europe. First results from a joined European network of progeny trials – Luc Pacues
Last Evaluation of the Provenace Plot Podbanské, Slovakia (IUFRO I. Larch Series 1944) – Elena Foffová
Eurasian provenance experiment trial of Scots Pine at Sambor in Ukraine – Jan Kowalczyk 
Adaptability of oak (Quercus robur L.) ecotypes in conditions of climate change - Igor Neyko
PLANTACOMP: Genetic experimental network of French National Institut for Agricultural Research- Anger Christel

Sessions 5 - "Large forest tree provenance experimental networks: their advantages, limitations and importance for future experiments."

5th invited presentation: Large forest tree provenance experimental networks: their advantages, limitations and importance for future experiments. - Mirko Liesebach and Heino Wolf
